The measures are approximate, that's because the described object is hand made. Obviously each object is different from one to another.
The orders arrived to "Artistic Murano Glass" through the web site are accepted only after the approval of the Direction.
Methods of payment:  Bank transfer in advance.
Marini Dario reserves the right to cancel an order even after receiving the payment or part of it, and in this case the customer will be refund of the amount paid.
Shipping cost:
The shipping costs depend on weight, measure, quantity and type of packaging. Usually times of delivery are from 4 to 8 weeks from the confirmation, except for the articles made to order: in this case the delivery times might be longer.
Quality guarantee: All the products are high hand -made quality.
Small variations inside the shape, measure, colour, small defects or little air bubbles inside the glass are inevitable and they're typical of hand- made craft.
We are able to satisfy all your needs following your project and ideas.
Taxes and duty:
All other countries taxes and fees are different from country to country and from item to item. For this reason it's impossible for us to value the amount.
We suggest you to contact your country customs office to know the right amount. All the import fees are debited to you.
Possible damages:
Goods travel well packed , anyway , due to the fragile nature of the objects themselves, there might be breakings. You have to control the goods when they arrive, and let us know asap any damage. In this case please take a picture of it near its carton/box.
We accept complaints within 8 days from the receiving of the goods.
In case of chandeliers made on specific request the purchaser is held responsible for any violation and exclude Marini Dario from any responsibility.
You are kindly requested to read the rules for the reproduction or the supplying of glass objects.
Please take note that the Artistic Glasses are all hand made, this means that two objects can never be exactly alike, not even when made from the same Master. For this reason, the glasses ordered will be very similar to the sample but never exactly the same in shape, size and ornaments/colour.
To optimize the production we ask you to ship us the samples of the parts that must be reproduced, we can agree by email/telephone for other forms (as based on a picture or drawing).
The approximate estimate can change after receiving the parts that must be reproduced, depends on how much time it takes to make them and you must add the shipping cost and taxes.
It takes about 8 weeks to reproduce them, but it might happen that it takes a bit longer.
The glass objects are shipped with carrier to the adress you will write us, we do take care of the packaging but it might happen that the goods arrive damaged, considering that the goods travel at your risk, we suggest you to insure the shipment.
The payment of the ordered goods is bank transfer in advance, when goods are ready and packaged we'll let you know the amount of the shipping and packaging cost: the goods will be shipped only after receiving the final amounts required.

Customer care
email: artisticmuranoglass@gmail.com - Phone: 0039 348 70 150 77